AAWireless CarPlay Beta
Beta testing our Apple CarPlay functionality on AAWireless? Here's everything you need to know!
How to connect?
Android Auto allows drivers to sync their Android device with their car's infotainment system. So, instead of using standard functionalities for navigation, messaging and entertainment, you can use your trusted Android apps like Spotify, Waze, Google Maps, and WhatsApp. In short, Android Auto makes it safe and convenient for millions of people to use (a part of) their phone while driving. How frustrating it can be when this trusted tool suddenly stops working. In this article we'll discuss 5 common issues and how to fix them.
Before diving into possible fixes, make sure to check the basic requirements:
● Android Auto compatible car: Your vehicle must have a compatible infotainment system.
● Smartphone with Android OS: If you plan on using wired Android Auto, you need a smartphone with at least Android 9. Wireless Android Auto is only available on devices running Android 11 or higher.
● Active Data Plan: Ensure you have a reliable data plan for internet connectivity.

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
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Upon first pairing, AAWireless may immediately connect to the iPhone and then disconnect shortly. It will then reconnect to the iPhone automatically and attempt to start CarPlay. After that, a popup may appear on the car asking to allow CarPlay. After allowing CarPlay on the car, a popup will appear on the phone asking to allow CarPlay.

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
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Not sure if your car has Android Auto?
On all future connections, AAWireless will automatically connect to the iPhone once. Connecting the iPhone to AAWireless manually should be avoided as this will only slow the connection process.
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Not sure if your car has Android Auto?

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
The first connection may not work, but a second attempt should start up CarPlay.
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Not sure if your car has Android Auto?

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
How to access AAWireless settings on an iPhone
To access the settings of your AAWireless on an iPhone, please access: https://aawireless.app in your browser. CarPlay needs to be functional for this to work. If CarPlay is not functional, please manually connect to the Wi-Fi hotspot of your device by searching for a Wi-Fi network with the name AAWireless-**** or AndroidAuto-****. The password of this network is 12345678.
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Not sure if your car has Android Auto?

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
There is no CarPlay functionality on AAWireless TWO
Unfortunately, the AAWireless TWO will not include support for wireless CarPlay. After testing the CarPlay Beta extensively, we had to conclude we needed a different hardware design to implement adequate CarPlay support. That's when we started a new design process for a new product. This also means that the CarPlay Beta will remain in beta permanently on the first AAWireless adapter.
TWO+ Adapter released in Q1 2025
The good news is: in Q1 2025, AAWireless will release the "TWO+" adapter, which provides support for both CarPlay and Android Auto.
Did you know...
Not sure if your car has Android Auto?

AAWireless TWO - Wireless Android Auto adapter
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